
Pharmacovigilance and a Robust Training Plan

Patient safety is the ultimate objective of any pharmacovigilance (PV) or drug safety department. The appropriate number of qualified, trained personnel are needed to ensure quality pharmacovigilance processes and outcomes in this rapidly evolving regulatory environment.

As always, an inspection-ready stance is a constant need. Training plans and records, as well as high-quality, adequate training for the PV staff, are under the scope of audits and inspections. Often companies struggle to provide strong evidence of 100% compliant PV training documentation. To ensure compliance, a well-prepared and continually monitored training matrix should be in place to support the continuous improvement of all relevant skill levels, knowledge, and expertise.

Med Communications, Inc. has a team of highly skilled pharmacovigilance professionals with several years of experience covering multiple therapeutic areas i both clinical trials and post-marketing products. Our training programs are comprehensive, supporting:

  • Client-specific quality updates
  • Product and therapeutic area updates
  • Current laws and regulations
  • Relevant software updates

If you are looking for PV support, we are happy to provide you with insightful best practices based on our team’s extensive experience working with multiple companies and systems. Feel free to contact us anytime at 877-477-0977 or

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