January 12 is National Pharmacists Day
January 12 is National Pharmacists Day. On this day, we honor the more than 300,000 pharmacists helping to promoting patient health by dispensing medications, advising patients, and providing health tips and guidance. Pharmacists are valuable members of the patient care team, particularly for patients prescribed medications by multiple health care providers; they help coordinate and manage patient medications and stay alert to possible drug interactions. The coronavirus pandemic has expanded the pharmacist’s workload, as pharmacies are now administering COVID tests, vaccinations, and boosters.
Pharmacists are third in the list of top U.S. trusted professionals, according to a Gallup poll. Two-thirds of poll respondents said that pharmacists have high to very high standards of honesty and ethics, and results of a JD Power study indicated that customer satisfaction for pharmacies tends to be high, particularly for customers of community pharmacies.
Having a large family of pharmacists here at Med Communications, we are thankful for the hard work and dedication pharmacists embody, today and every day. Thank you for your role in Med Affairs and for protecting patient health.