Isha Bhattacharyya Attending CBI’s Global Medical Information and Communications Summit
Isha Bhattacharyya, Senior Director, Global Medical Services, will be attending CBI’s Global Medical Information and Communications Summit in Barcelona, Spain on the 22nd and 23rd of June. The complexity of providing streamlined global medical communications has increased with new rules and regulations surrounding the dissemination of medical information and the rise of the empowered customer. Industry must collaborate to develop process roadmaps and structures that evolve with the ever-changing healthcare landscape. The Global Medical Information and Communications Summit provides actionable takeaways on how to disseminate impactful medical information and translate scientific and medical language into communications that are easily understood by pertinent stakeholders. Isha will be meeting with industry decision makers, participating in sessions covering topics such as data privacy and ways to mitigate potential information risk, and assessing in-sourcing, outsourcing, and hybrid models for contact centers to maximize customer experience. She will seek out and be available to meet with industry executives to discuss their needs for medical communications and pharmacovigilance support.