
How can our team of specialists help you achieve your medical information goals? Ask our clients.

Over our more than 25 years in business, Med Communications, Inc. has built a team of residency-trained, industry-experienced PharmD medical information specialists who can communicate as peers with healthcare professionals and providers. A continual training cycle keeps team members up to date on the latest developments in the field and with your products, ensuring that they are able to identify and handle a complete set of medical inquiries, adverse events, product quality complaints, and other inquiries.

We understand that your contact center specialists are the voice of your company, and our skilled team members go above and beyond to support both your customers and your staff.

Our clients rave about our medical information teams. Below are examples of the feedback we have received.

  • “I just wanted to reach out and say a big thank you for the amazing job you are doing in handling over 100 cases in the last 24 hours. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed!”
  • “Big thanks to Med Comm for noticing our service disruption and being ready with alternate numbers for phone routing quickly. We were able to quickly set up a ‘bridge’ to continue reporting of adverse events and servicing customers with minimal disruption.”
  • “Many thanks to the team for their attention to detail and hard work handling an increase in calls in May and June due to the product shortage. The team quickly notified the client of the call spike and need for guidance to handle these global requests with compassion and clarity. The client provided guidance and contact information for global product partners so that callers in a desperate situation were quickly given the most up-to-date information to help their loved ones.”

More client feedback is available on our Testimonials page. For more information about how we can help you meet your contact center needs, contact us today: 877-477-0977 or

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