
Efficient medical information delivery with Click to Chat

Click to Chat technology is a convenient, accessible instrument in the omnichannel toolbox for Medical Information Services, allowing healthcare providers and other customers the ability to obtain medical information efficiently.

Reach your target audience on their terms.

Healthcare providers seek immediate access to detailed drug information, clinical trial data, or patient programs. Traditionally, this information is requested through emails or phone calls, which can be time consuming and inefficient. Medical live chat offers a real-time, interactive platform for healthcare providers to directly engage with Medical Information Specialists when obtaining up-to-date, relevant information needed for their practice. Whether inquiring about targeted diagnosis biomarkers, prescription treatment options, pre-existing conditions, symptom management, or allergen information, instant communication through digital chat allows for the quick resolution of medical queries, saving valuable time for healthcare providers.

Consumers are increasingly seeking information for their health concerns digitally rather than through traditional means. Upcoming generations are digital natives and prefer to check online first regarding health issues or medication before picking up the phone. The maturing population is also more digitally savvy than ever before and will often seek out an online consultation about preventative care and prescriptions for chronic conditions to prepare for doctor visits. Offering Click to Chat provides the privacy, convenience, and accessibility customers desire when seeking information about medical conditions.

Medical Information Specialists use secure credentials to access the Click to Chat portal. Our team of licensed healthcare professionals is trained to maximize the chat technology by using effective notification signals and providing prompt responses. While the technology is designed to allow each Medical Information Specialist to handle more than one conversation at a time, our experience has shown that the most compliant, customer-centric interactions occur with dedicated attention to each conversation. Priority levels may be set and modified for various chat channels to meet the needs of the company. In the event of a product launch or recall, a dedicated chat can be given preference and loaded with additional agents to handle the volume. Intelligent algorithms efficiently connect your customer with the right specialist or department every time.

To ensure fair and balanced scientific exchange, standard response documents can be provided as email fulfillments using the medical information database fulfillment system in conjunction with the Click to Chat experience. For example, a pharmacist can receive off-label information through chat and then receive a follow-up email with the full text response document to keep on file. A consumer could receive a list of side effects from the Prescribing Information via chat, followed by a mailed or emailed copy of the Prescribing Information to refer to as treatment continues.

Seamless integration simplifies the customer experience.

Med Communications’ technology experts tailor a user-friendly chat interface consistent with your product or company branding, providing a seamless customer experience. A link can be embedded directly into your company’s digital assets to launch a chat using the same secure technology used for Med Communications’ Medical Information phone services. Our technology will initiate a chat in a secure pop-out box featuring your company’s color palette. From here, the scientific exchange occurs completely online following the same flow as a live conversation. Customers, whether patients or healthcare providers, will find the interface easy to navigate and intuitive to use.

For companies looking to integrate artificial intelligence, a chat bot can be designed and programmed to provide appropriate responses to specific prompts. Expert programmers work together with credentialed Scientific Content authors to tailor a conversation flow. After rigorous testing, the customer experience can be displayed for internal stakeholders prior to launch on your company website.

Med Communications’ expert technical support is available to make any necessary modifications to the original chat build.  

Secure, compliant technology offers you peace of mind.

Click to Chat conversations are protected, helping ensure customer privacy and regulatory compliance. Using secure, end-to-end encrypted, cutting-edge technology, the scientific exchange occurs in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other regulations. Patient data and proprietary scientific information is protected during transmission and storage.  

Medical Information Specialists are trained to comply with regulatory standards for digital chat. Med Communications can also ensure country-specific privacy and other disclaimers are provided prior to initiating a scientific exchange. Utilizing scripting tools, required product indication, important safety information, and off-label disclaimers will be displayed to the customer automatically. Chat bots can also be programmed to provide compliant responses to specific prompts.

The chat transcript can be downloaded as a secure PDF file, which serves as a source document to be stored in the medical information database. The transcript also functions as an authentic primary source document for reporting adverse events to pharmacovigilance and regulatory authorities. Unique serialization of each contact provides audit readiness. Quality review of the transcript by Medical Information Specialists and managers will identify opportunities for improvement for the technology. Customer service excellence will also be coached using feedback from this quality review.

Gather insightful feedback, opinions and suggestions from your customers through chat. This data can be collected during the chat conversation or through a post-chat survey. Monthly analytics may be provided to identify trends or areas for enhancement for the service and your products.

Contact us today to learn how Click to Chat can benefit your company.

Click to Chat provides quick, accurate medical information while maintaining compliance with regulatory agencies and company policies. Med Communications will provide our industry-leading expertise to implement this technology to meet the needs of your company. Successful click-to-chat implementation will incorporate company policies, procedures, and products into a streamlined workflow to enhance communication with healthcare providers and improve customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn how our team can support your digital chat needs: 877-477-0977 or

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